After being given an opportunity last year to present at a conference to other school counselors, I was filled with drive to serve a wider community than that of my own students and youth I serve as a school counselor and in-home therapist.
This time last year I created my website and blog to have a platform to share my message. I also created a professional Instagram account and have met inspirational men and women who share their own talents with a greater community and offer support to those doing the same.
Throughout 2018 my message has been refined. In my face-to-face work I help kids grow to be caring, thriving, and resilient kids. In my work with parents and educators I help provide information and tools to help build strong and healthy relationships with their kids. It has been fulfilling to know how many appreciate and find the information shared via my website, blog and Instagram page useful to them.
This past year has brought me great opportunities where I have presented for professional development opportunities and was even featured on a podcast! While I await to earn my full licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor and work towards becoming a Registered Play Therapist I am focusing on presenting at more conferences and public speaking engagements. I am also excited to begin my journey in becoming a Certified Mindfulness Instructor.
When reflecting on the year which has past and the new chapter that is ahead, it is important to also consider what can be changed in efforts to reach one’s overall goals. While I have been so focused on creating content which includes blog posts and stories on Instagram, including tips for Mindful Mondays, Book Talk Tuesdays and more, I have been neglecting myself. Consequently I have decided to take a step back from creating so much content on Instagram, and instead focus my energy on providing two to three blog postings monthly. I hope this change can be just as beneficial to you, my audience. This will allow me to engage in much needed self-care in order to be the best wife, mom, counselor and person I can be.
And just like that... the year has come to an end! Amazing memories have been created, as have new goals to be conquered in this upcoming year. I am honored and humbled to interact with you so regularly, and feel blessed to have the love and support from my family and friends.
I wish you all peace of mind and peace in your hearts in this upcoming new year, along with much joy, love and laughter! Happy New Year!
Vanessa De Jesus Guzman is an Educator and a Board Certified Licensed Professional Counselor who has worked with children and families for two decades. Vanessa is the owner and CEO of Free to Be Mindful - a private practice located in Ridgefield, New Jersey.
Vanessa is passionate about helping moms, kids and educators with mindful living, mental health and personal growth through efforts including:
Host of the Free to Be Mindful Podcast which provides bite-sized tips and guided meditations to anyone working with kids
Founder of Amiga Moms, a supportive network for 21st century moms offering educational events founded in mindfulness
Public Speaking and Professional Development for parents, educators and young adults on topics such as mindfulness, building healthy relationships with kids, self care, mental health and more.
Vanessa has been featured on the Today Show, Univision, Parents Latina and more, always sharing her passion of helping others Learn, Grow & Inspire… all with mindfulness in mind.