Free to Be Mindful Podcast
Mindfully Managing Intense Emotions
August 8, 2022
August 8th is known as “Happiness Happens Day.” My question to you is, does happiness “just happen” Also, is it when it doesn’t happen, how do you mindfully manage intense feelings?
Join in for this real-talk conversation on personal growth, mindful living, and a short meditation at the end.
The Free to Be Mindful Podcast provides bite-sized tips for parents, educators and anyone interested in MINDFUL LIVING. All episodes are under 20 minutes with a guided meditation at the end.
Host Vanessa De Jesus Guzman is a licensed therapist, educator, entrepreneur and mom, with 20 years of experience working with children, families and educators.
Do you find yourself repeating yourself a gazillion times a day? Do your kids only take actions once you’ve flipped out? This is for you…
The “Talking to Your Kids Without Losing Your Cool Guide” includes strategies for limit setting and the language to use to help you reduce the number of times you repeat yourself, leading to a decrease of your stress levels and overwhelm.
Find it here! https://www.freetobemindful.com/talkingtokids
Amiga Moms hosts social and educational events which provide an outlet for busy moms, while teaching mindfulness strategies to help mothers live a life with peace of mind and ease of heart. Click the link to learn more about the virtual monthly mindful meet-ups and the in-person live events, currently held in the north Jersey area. Click here to learn more.
Show Hashtag: #freetobemindfulpodcast
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/counselorvdejesus/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/counselorvdejesus/
Website: https://www.freetobemindful.com/
Have a topic you would like to hear on the podcast, questions for the podcast, or would you like to discuss podcast sponsorship? Email at podcast@freetobemindful.com.
Videos on this channel are for educational purposes only and should not be considered as or substituted for therapy or professional counseling help from a licensed clinician.